Last Updated 13 January 2025
Consulting Webflow Template - Galway - Designed by and

This statement is published in accordance with the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”). It sets out the steps taken by Advanced Technology Assurance Limited ("ATA") to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not exist in our business or supply chains.


ATA takes a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and is committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chain. We are committed to integrity in the conduct of our business and the requirement that all ATA’s employees perform their duties in a manner which is legally, ethically, and morally irreproachable. Our values and our internal policies relating to conduct and financial crime are applicable across ATA. We have a Whistleblowing Policy which enables concerns about wrongdoing of all types to be raised either direct to senior management or through a whistleblowing hotline. All whistleblowing reports are reported to and reviewed by the applicable boards of ATA.


Our recruitment processes comply with UK employment legislation, and we ensure that ‘right to work’ document checks and contracts of employment are in place for both permanent and temporary employees. ATA may use the services of recruitment agencies, which we expect to have robust policies and procedures in place to counter slavery and human trafficking.

Engagement with suppliers

Our procurement policy highlights the need to consider slavery and human trafficking issues when selecting and engaging with suppliers, and we require tenderers to confirm that they have processes in place to ensure that slavery and human trafficking does not exist in their business or supply chains. Bidding suppliers are required to include their relevant policies and procedures as part of their tenders.

Awareness and training

ATA employees have been made aware of our policies and the commitments these represent.

Approval of this Statement

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 (1) of the Act and constitutes the ATA’s slavery and human trafficking statement. This statement was approved by ATA’s management. Alistair Blundy CEO, ATA January 2025.